How To Achieve Personal Success

How To Achieve Personal Success
Helping Others To Be Successful

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Money, Good Homes and Friendship in all walks of life

Black Bond TV Sketch Pt. 2

It still amazes me that the
BBC could not see the value of the
Real McCoy to the Black and wider community.

Black Bond TV Sketch

With the advent of a black president in the white house people can now imagine everything with black in it. I've even heard some talk about the possibility of a future black James Bond. Back in the early 90's I wrote and featured in a two part Black Bond sketch.

It was amazing watching the media predict and then relish the death of 27 year old Jade Goody the other day. What was so amazing was the fact that such a young mother of two young boys did not have to die from cervical cancer. The reality is that there are various cures for cancer, but there is a conspiracy by doctors, the major pharmaceutical companies and the mainstream media to continue to push the idea that apart from the destructive and poisonous processes like surgery, radio therapy and chemotherapy, there are no other cures for cancer. We now live in a society where any suggestion that there are natural and wholestic ways to deal with tumors and other cancerous growths will be met by ridicule and dismissal. Sadly people like Jade and often those who surrounded them have bought into the idea that once diagnosed, it is inevitable that the person must die and so instead of the focus being on life and life in more abundance, the preoccupation becomes death and a life after death. I wrote to Jade a few weeks ago through Max Clifford but I knew she would never be allowed to read my letter. Because after all, those who were protecting her would argue, "It would be cruel to build up her hopes." And now that the public's imagination had been captured in the unfolding "Tragic Fairytale" of her rags to riches life, the many blunders, the prisoner boyfriend, soon to be husband. The magical, happy but sad wedding, the fund for the children, the magazine deals, the potential multi million pound spin offs, the books, the films, the documentaries and newspaper column inches.

Why spoil all of that with something as unimportant as Jade possibly living to be an old lady and seeing some grand children. Want to learn more about alternative cancer treatments;
Go to

Leo Muhammad

Leo Muhammad Man on a Mission

Money, Good Homes and Friendship in all walks of Life;
is what God has promised us—the God Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, the Finder and Redeemer of us who were lost from our people and country for the past 400 years.

Quote from:

The Honorable
Elijah Muhammad.

My name is Leo Muhammad

I live my life based on
the above promise and the following principles.

My daily search is for Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding.

My lifestyle and attitude are designed to promote;

Freedom, Justice and Equality, regardless to Creed, Class or Colour.

My Religion is Islam which means "PEACE" and complete submission to do The Will of God.

My daily practice is: Belief. Prayer. Charity. Fasting. Study. Works. Duty. Care. Cure. Life.

My everyday philosophy: "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you."

A few websites to visit; (Log on every Sunday at 4pm GMT for a lecture from Mosque Maryam Chicago)